Saturday, August 20, 2011

I've organized a bit in my mudroom with hooks I printed.

Coat hook file:

Filament Spool

The first upgrade to the 3D printer is a filament spool feeder. The plastic arrives on a spool (like a sewing bobin) that tangles easily and is annoying to work with. The new filament spool feeder replaces the manufacturers spool and works much better.

The hub and spokes of the spool:
The modified spring clip dirivative:

I found that this design did not snap together as easily for me as the post I followed. Instead of troubleshooting or re-printing, I just zip tied some thin dowels to the spokes as reinforcement. With minor sanding it operates very well. It is ziptied to a milk crate in my studio. I have not had any tangling incidents since, and the printer demands much less babysitting. I am now free to leave it alone for an hour or so at a time while it does its thing.

3D Printed Knife Rack

I was recently convinced by a salesman in Sam's Club that I needed a "Forever Sharp" knife set. Initially I felt duped because I didn't really want them, but they were cheap and I'm impressed so far. My only complaint is that they didn't come with a holder.

Took some measurements, designed a holder in Google Sketchup 8. I printed out a significantly denser version than I meant to, and it took forever. Afterwards I modified the 3D model to reflect a quicker print.