Saturday, November 20, 2010

Extruder controller, accidentally fried

I'm not quite sure what happened. I had it hooked up to the motherboard after installing the firmware. I used the default configuration.h file. I plugged in the 12v and USB and opened the software. I jogged the extruder motor and it moved, so I moved the other axis motors to make sure they worked together. I unplugged everything and a few minutes later plugged it back in to see it again. I plugged both USB and power at nearly the same time and within 2 seconds the extruder controller popped and released a puff of smoke from one of the motor chips.

I ordered a replacement and an another stepper controller, i read that driving the motor off the stepper controller works and quieter and I plan to try it. When I hook it up, I have to be more careful, especially since so far, I haven't found the cause of why this happened.

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